Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 26: The Golden Rule

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. ~Matthew 7:12

It's one of the greatest principles ever taught, but one of the hardest to actually learn. It's one that really tests your measure of self-control and your ability to treat others with respect. Living in a family of ten should've given me adequate practice, and I ought to be a master of the Golden Rule, but I am quite a failure at it. Most of the time I let my selfish whims get the best of me.

Trying to practice the Golden Rule in everything is extremely difficult, and the ability is reserved for those in the world who got a larger slice of the perfect pie, but that does not mean that you should not try at all. Imagine a world where everyone treated everyone else with the same kind of care and respect that we treat ourselves with. We, as flawed humans, are incapable of always treating others with that kind of respect, and it shows us how much need of a savior we have. All of our shortcomings do, and there is nothing we could do by ourselves. I have plenty of opportunities to practice, but I don't. You must truly have a desire to practice it, otherwise you will never succeed.

This corrupt world is full of people who think that they are better than others. Where else would racism, classes, and all manner of inequality and evil treatment of others come from? We all do it.Some more than others, but we are all guilty of putting ourselves before others, or degrading them by what we say and do. If the golden rule was law, then there would be very little need for any other. The Golden Rule is the foundation of civility that a society should be built on. It's rather interesting that the golden rule is taught by the main religions of the world, yet finding someone who truly lives by it is very difficult. Learn to treat others how you would like to be treated, put others before yourself and you have everything to gain. Even though you probably will never be able to always live by this rule, it is at least our duty to try, and trying is all that can be asked.

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