Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Problem Solved"

   For starters, last Monday I began taking classes at the local college, one of which was algebra. I patted myself on the back because hey, I hate math, and it was quite a scary thing to voluntarily sign up for sixteen weeks of advanced algebra. Well, I still have a daunting feeling in my stomach about it, because it just happens that my professor, Dr. Rui-Xui Dai, a very wizened little Asian man, seems to only be able to speak clearly in numbers. I realized this today, when Dr. Dai stated that we would now discuss, "absute vayue ecs." I'm not kidding, I didn't know what he had said until he wrote on the board, "Absolute Value Equations." Thankfully he can write. To make it worse, one of the florescent lights in the room has a loud, irritating buzz that makes understanding Dr. Dai all the more difficult. I think he realized this, and so, "Ehcan't her me ehcan you?" He quipped. He looked up at the light with a very confused expression on his face, walked over to the switch and flipped it off, and then back on again. The noise died, as he looked at the class and stated, "Prollem solve!" The whole room burst into laughter, I think for the same reason I was laughing. The problem was absolutely not solved. He had proved that by saying that it was. He was still impossible to understand. 

Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but Dr. Dai doeth his best, and I should be thankful, because I at least know how to solve, "absute vayue ecs."   

Though I am enjoying this class though I'm afraid that I'm not off to a good start. I arrived this morning, and told a guy standing by the door that I thought they had switched rooms on us, and I didn't know which one I was supposed to be at. Well, he looked at me kinda strange and said he had seen me in that room the class before. He concluded by inquiring if I was okay. I assured him that I wasn't drunk, and now I have made a friend. Strange way to make a friend right? Well, my adventures are many, and my problems are eighteen, but I think I'm finally learning how to speak Chinese.


  1. Poor chap (both you and the professor). Hey, if you've got an algebra problem any time shoot me an email. Don't classify me an expert but I do enjoy algebra... :)

  2. Thanks man! That would be awesome.. It's pretty simple right now, but I will do that if I get really stumped by something.. I'm liking the class, but I do find it rather funny.. :D

  3. Only you would say, "Don't worry! I'm not drunk" :P You need to write more, I found this very entertaining.

  4. Hahaha! He seriously was wondering if I was okay.. He said there was a guy in one of his other classes that brings a huge bottle full of margarita into class. You never know.. :D
