Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What Doesn't Kill You

The first time my duo partner, Stephen Rosenberger, came to my house to work on our piece, he made an interesting observation. He said, "Y'all say 'miserable' a lot!" This got my mom to thinking, and after he left, she told us that we needed to stop using that word so much. I have to admit, we did use it way too much, and had almost become a crutch for us, instead of the adjective it is supposed to be. Thanks to Stephen, the word has become less heard around our house, but this got me to thinking. Considering that I haven't had the best week ever, I have been using that word a lot. Maybe you've heard of the book, Jesus Freaks, by dc talk. This book is the compilation of the stories of martyrs, who have been horribly tortured and then killed, all for the sake of being faithful to Jesus. When I think of my life, and my trivial little miseries, it makes me feel rather ashamed of myself. These people who gave their lives, truly were in misery, and yet, they didn't complain, they took it, and one day, they will be the ones with crowns of life!

We, in our everyday lives deal with things that aren't cool, and yes, we get frustrated or discouraged, but simply thankfulness for whatever comes our way is the best road to take. Sadly, even though I know this to be true, I am not a good example of it at all. Our Father puts trials in our lives to make us stronger. If everything always went well, how would we ever learn to trust him. Be thankful for your miseries because they are one of the most valuable things you have. Because they teach us to trust our God. What doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger.

"God places the heaviest burdens on those who can carry it's weight."
~Reggie White

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